13 Januari 2009

In a grammar lesson

Kang Centung was sitting in his Eglish class. It was a hot afternoon and he was feelinng sleepy. It was a grammar lesson. Kang Centunng was bored. He hated grammar. He wanted to leave school and work. He wanted to be a gardener. He looked out of the window. He looked at the trees and flowers. Then he started day-dreaming.
After 10 minutes the teacher stopped talking. She asked the students to do a grammar exercise in their book. She saw that kang Centung wasn`t doing the exercise, so she said,
"Why aren`t you writinng, Tung?"
Kang Centung stopped dreaming and said,
"What, Miss?"
" Wake up, Tung!"
the teacher said. "Why aren`t you writing?"

Kang Centung thought for a moment and replied in English,
"I ain`t got no pencil."
The teacher looked at Ka
ng Centunng and corrected his grammar mistake. "I ain`t got no pencil? You mean. You don't have a pencil?"
ang Centung did not understand the teacher, so he said, "Sorry, Miss."
The teacher reviewed the use of doo
n`t and doesn`t in an angry voice, "I don`t have a pencil. You don't have a pencil. He doesn`t have a pencil. She doesn`t have a pencil. We don`t have pencils. have pencils. Now, do you understand, Tung?"
Kang Centung looked at the teacher for
a moment and then he said, "Oh my God, What happened to those pencils, miss?"


Kang Centung sedang mengikuti kelas bahasa Inggris. Siang itu panas dan dia merasa ngantuk. Pelajarannya tata bahasa. Kang Centung bosan. Dia benci tata bahasa. Dia mau berhenti sekolah dan bekerja. Dia mau menjadi seorang tukang kebun. Dia melihat keluar jendela. Dia memandangi pohon dan bunga. Kemudian dia mulai melamun.
Sesudah 10 menit gurunya berhenti berbicara. Dia meminta murid-muridnya mengerjakan latihan tata bahasa di buku mereka. Gurunya melihat bahwa kang Centung tidak mengerjakan latihan, maka dia berkata,
"Mengapa kau tidak menulis, Tung?"
Kang Centung berhenti melamun dan berkata,
" Apa, Miss?"

"Bangun, Tung!" kata gurunya. "Mengapa kau tidak menulis?"
Kang Centung berpikir sebentar dan menjawab di bahasa Inggris,
"I ain`t got no pencil."
Gurunya memandang Kang Centung dan membetulkan kesalahan tata bahasanya,
"I ain't got no pencil? Maksud kamu, I don't have a pencil?
Kang Centung tidak mengerti gurunya, maka dia berkata
"Sorry, Miss."
Gurunya mengulangi penggunaan don`t dan doesn't dengan suara marah,
"I don`t have a pencil. You don`t have a pencil. He doesn`t have a pencil. She doesn`t have a pencil. We don`t have pencils. They don`t have pencils. Sekarang, kamu mengerti Tung?"
Kang Centung melihat gurunya sesaat dan kemudian berkata,
"Ya Alloh, apa yang terjadi pada pensil-pensil itu, Miss?"

1 komentar:

  1. teacher may need to learn a lot more smiling, do not frown .... so does not create a dozy.. (maybe?)
